Gentlemen! Don’t worry, there will be plenty of mantiques on hand for you to check out! Here’s a sneak preview of what Robert from Wagner’s Treasures will be bringing to The Summer Market on June 23rd!
Our vendor spotlight posts give you a chance to meet some of our amazing vendors before the Vintage Charlotte Summer Market on June 23rd at The Annex. Please welcome our first vendor to be featured in the spotlight, Brooke from Cosmic Ephemera:
Hi there! I’m Brooke, proprietor of Cosmic Ephemera and blogger at My Indie Charlotte. I love absurd things like little doll limbs and old photographs of dudes making weird faces. I don’t know why.
My shop Cosmic Ephemera is a much more toned down, aesthetically-pleasing version of what goes on in my head. I’m a collage artist by sport, and I’ve always loved incorporating little bits of vintage ephemera into my wall art and journals. When this ephemera collection of mine starting getting out of control, I knew it was time to open up shop and share my findings with others.
So now I sell vintage scrap kits. These kits are packed with about 20-40 themed pieces. Some of the sets you’ll see at the Vintage Charlotte Summer Market include fashion clippings from 1920s magazines, groovy children’s book illustrations, and lots of old school folks from old school books doing old school things. I also have a handful of delightful vintage books that are pretty hard for me to part with. Look out for a cool 1970s French craft book, and surreal astrology paperbacks that give some hardcore advice.
My aim with Cosmic Ephemera is to give buyers the inspiration to create something fabulous and unique out of one little bit of vintage. Or to just aid in your paper hoarding, so I won’t be the only one.
Oh, and you should know: Cosmic Ephemera is undergoing a little renovation, so most of the items you see here–plus plenty more–will only be available starting June 23 at the Vintage Charlotte Summer Market! I’m excited to see you there!
Painting by Jon Gost recently rescued by the Shutter&Sparks team. This handsome devil may make an appearance at The Summer Market if Amy and Kurtis can separate themselves from it!
Vintage Charlotte is excited to announce that we are now accepting vendor applications for our Summer Flea Market. The event will be held at Amelie’s Annex (3128 The Plaza) on June 23rd from 10am-8pm.
Apply now to ensure you have a spot reserved!
For more information on what to expect and how to apply, click on over to our vendor FAQs and applications page.
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Photoshoot of antique dresses with vintage accessories by Charlotte photographic artist Amy Herman, get the looks in her online shop and view more in the gallery:
Upon landing in Charlotte after a six month relocation expedition, Amy (schmoo1515 vintage) and Kurtis (hesslerk electronics) saw a real need for a contemporary vintage shopping experience. It sounds a bit like a contradiction (contemporary-vintage) but this flea market meets hipster meets the design eyed is an amazing and fun shopping experience.
Over the next year we hope to bring pop-up shops and flea markets to the Charlotte area for each season. If you are interested in shopping, vending, sponsoring or otherwise getting involved, check back here often for details!