whitney alyssa Archives - VTGCLT

SOSN Vendor Sneak Peak: Whitney Alyssa

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We are so excited to have Whitney Alyssa with us for Something Old, Something New this year.  Her beautifully hand-crafted pieces are all one of a kind and can be custom made just for your big day.  She is well known for her beaded floral bouquets, hair pieces and belts, but we heard a rumor that she is bringing a brand new collection of necklaces made from vintage findings!

something old something new vintage charlotte whitney alyssa

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whitney alyssa something old something new

whitney alyssa

Something Old, Something New

an evening of {vintage and handmade} wedding inspiration

February 17, 2014
Heist Brewery
$5 in advance (tickets available here!) / $8 at the door
Ticket price includes tasty food from Heist catering and the first 50 attendees will receive a FREE goodie bag!
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